Volkswagen Maggiolino 1200 Export "Oval" 1956 Foto 1/15  

Volkswagen Maggiolino 1200 Export "Oval" 1956
Auto storica in vendita

Concessionario (IT)

WINTER SALE @ City Motors Classic & Sport Cars since 1987 - www.citymotors.to.it
Promotional offer valid for the month of January 2025
Original price: 24.000 Euro
Volkswagen Beetle 1200 Export “Oval” Sunroof – 1956
Raro Maggiolino serie Ovalino con tetto apribile, vettura restaurata e personalizzata nel colore ed interni, motore 1.200 cc originale, impianto 6 volt, ottima meccanica, CRS ASI, targhe italiane e documenti in regola
Rare Beetle Oval series with sunroof, restored and customized vehicle in color and interior, original 1,200 cc engine, 6 volt system, excellent mechanics, CRS ASI, Italian documents ready for export
Seltener Käfer der „Oval“-Serie mit Schiebedach, restauriertes und in Farbe und Innenausstattung individualisiertes Fahrzeug, originaler 1.200-cm³-Motor, 6-Volt-System, hervorragende Mechanik, CRS ASI, italienische Papiere bereit für den Export
Rare Coccinelle série Ovale avec toit ouvrant, véhicule restauré et personnalisé en couleur et intérieur, moteur d'origine 1 200 cc, système 6 volts, excellente mécanique, CRS ASI, documents italiens prêts pour l'exportation
Raro Escarabajo serie Oval con techo corredizo, vehículo restaurado y personalizado en color e interior, motor original de 1.200 cc, sistema de 6 voltios, excelente mecánica, CRS ASI, documentos italianos listos para exportación.
For any information, please contact us by email or by phone on +39 0119682655 or +39 3482267058
Vehicle data, documentation, and mileage may contain errors and / or inaccuracies. Therefore, what is indicated has no contractual value but only information.
  • Marca
  • Modello
    Maggiolino 1200 Export "Oval"
  • Anno
  • Chilometraggio
    76.290 km
    47.404 mi
  • Carburante
  • Cambio
  • Posti
  • Marce
  • Cilindrata
    1192 cm3
  • Cilindri
  • Potenza
    22 kw
    30 cv
  • Certificazioni
  • Da immatricolare
  • Stato
  • Colore
  • Colore interni
  • Guida
  • Porte

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