General provisions
In addition to what has been provided so far, we remind you that the advertisements must comply with all laws and regulations in force in Italy.
The ads are always published under the sole responsibility of the user, who at the time of inserting the ad also declares to know and accept the terms of use of the service . Subito cannot be held responsible in any way for what is published by users and for their conduct.
We reserve the right to:
Please note that we cooperate with law enforcement in the event of ads that break the law. The identity of advertisers or buyers may be determined through the Internet service provider. For example, IP addresses may be recorded in order to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the service.
We at Mithos Motor Market will provide, upon request of the competent Authorities, any information useful for the identification of any tax evaders.
General Conditions of Service
1. Content of the Service
Mithos Motor Market srl, an IT and telematics services company with registered office in Via Mandolossa 65 Roncadelle (ITA), provides users who intend to use it with a service that allows them to publish and consult advertisements and listings of private or professional individuals who intend to sell or purchase goods or provide and receive services. The Service also allows advertiser users and users interested in what is published to get in touch with each other.
2. Ownership of the platform
Mithos Motor Market srl, is the sole owner of the web platform through which the Service is managed as well as of all related rights inherent and consequent to the exploitation of the platform itself.
3. Applicability of the conditions
These General Conditions of Service apply both to users who use the Service to consult the published advertisements and to private or professional advertisers (hereinafter collectively “user/s”).
4. Terms of Use of the Service
Use of the Service is permitted only to users of legal age according to Italian law (over 18 years of age).
The use of the Service allows free consultation of the announcements and the publication of ads and the creation of users aimed at using the service itself. Some specific features of the Service, the insertion in specific product categories and the additional advertisements with respect to the thresholds set for certain categories may be made available only for payment as per specific contractual conditions relating to the services themselves.
The relationships between users of the Service, including the purchase, exchange of information, also through the response form to the announcement, delivery or payment of goods or services, occur exclusively between users without Mithos Motor Market being part of the relationship. The user also undertakes not to make improper use of the contacts present in any capacity on the Mithos Motor Market platform. By way of example but not limited to, the sending of advertising, promotional material, or any other form of unauthorized or unsolicited solicitation by email or any other contact method is prohibited.
Users will retain ownership of all property rights relating to videos, photographs, still images, audio or other material (hereinafter, the “Reproductions”) that Mithos Motor Market has allowed them to publish on its site. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the user grants a non-exclusive, free, perpetual, transferable, irrevocable license without territorial limits, to use (also in combination with other audio and/or video and/or photographic materials) and, therefore, fix, within the site and/or on any other medium (be it digital, electronic or paper), reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, publish, display, play in public the user's Reproductions, also undertaking not to oppose the publication, use, modification, cancellation and exploitation of the Reproductions by Mithos Motor Market.
By using the Service, users assume exclusive responsibility for the right to use the Reproductions published by them on the site, indemnifying and holding Mithos Motor Market harmless from any claim and/or request for compensation formulated by third parties in the event of violation of the rights of the latter.
When the user registers on the site, the latter will be required to provide his/her real personal data without resorting to the use of temporary email addresses or aliases (i.e. addresses associated with one's email address from which, however, it is not possible to send emails but only to receive them). It is expressly understood that, in the event of failure to comply with the provisions of this clause by the user, will be considered released from the obligation to provide certain assistance services to the user, as it is unable to verify the user- email correspondence .
5. User Responsibility
The user is totally and exclusively responsible for the use of the Service (to be expressly understood with regard to the functions of publication, consultation, management of advertisements and contact between users) and is therefore the sole guarantor and responsible for the goods and services offered through the Service as well as for the correctness, completeness and lawfulness of the advertisements and of his/her own behavior in the context of contact between users.
The user guarantees the availability and/or ownership of the goods/services that are the subject of the advertisements. The user also guarantees that their advertisements do not violate any copyright or industrial property rights or other rights of third parties. In the event of a dispute by third parties regarding any advertisement or conduct related to it, the user assumes full responsibility and undertakes to hold Mithos Motor Market harmless and harmless from any damage, loss or expense.
The user undertakes to use the response form to the ad for the sole purpose of contacting and exchanging information with other users regarding the ads, using appropriate language, in compliance with the law, ethics and netiquette. In any case, the User undertakes to respect the rules of good manners and the use of appropriate language with any interlocutor, both online and offline . Srl reserves the right at any time to take legal action against the competent authorities, should it detect, in communications to its staff, illicit, abusive, threatening or slanderous content.
The user also assumes all responsibility for any damage that may arise to his/her computer system from the use of the Service or that of third parties. Finally, it is understood that any use of robots, spiders, scrapers and/or other automatic tools to access the site and/or to extract the related data, contents, information is expressly prohibited.
6. Limitation of liability Srl does not provide any guarantee regarding the content, completeness and correctness of the advertisements published , nor with regard to the published data, nor with regard to the information subsequently provided by the user, nor with reference to the number or quality of the results obtained through the Service . In any case, reserves, at any time, the right to evaluate, approve, eliminate or prevent the advertisement or the right to inhibit consultation or contact via the response form to the advertisement in the event that the use of the Service by the customer refers to particular product sections or may be considered harmful to the rights or prerogatives of or third parties. In such cases, in the case of a commercial user, pursuant to art. 4, 1st paragraph of Regulation (EU) no. 1150/2019, a specific communication will be made regarding the suspension with which the reasons for the suspension of the service will be indicated, except in the case of exclusions expressly provided for by Regulation (EU) no. 1150/2019. Any complaints against the suspension measure may be submitted through the internal dispute resolution mechanism according to the methods indicated therein and available on the Site. It is understood that even in the event of evaluation and approval of the advertisements (whether automatic or manual) Mithos Motor Market. does not provide any guarantee regarding the content, completeness and correctness of the same. Mithos Motor Market is also external to the negotiations possibly arising from the use of the Service and therefore does not guarantee either the goodness or the outcome of the same, consequently no request for return, compensation, repair and/or compensation for any reason may be addressed to Mithos Motor Market
The Service is offered through the website and mobile applications that may contain banners/links to other Internet sites or applications that are not under the control of Mithos Motor Market; the publication of the aforementioned banners/links does not imply approval or endorsement by Mithos Motor Market of the related sites and their contents, nor does it imply any form of guarantee by the latter, which therefore assumes no responsibility. The user therefore acknowledges that Mithos Motor Market is not responsible, by way of example, for the truthfulness, correctness, completeness, compliance with intellectual and/or industrial property rights, nor is it liable for their possible violation of public order, decency and/or morality.
7. Limitations in the provision of the Service
In the event that the customer violates the editorial rules of Mithos Motor Market. (Which-rules-should-I-follow), the latter reserves the right to modify, suspend or interrupt, in whole or in part, the Service at any time even without notice, forwarding to the user the reasons underlying such decision as per current legislation. By way of example and not limited to, will suspend the Service where (i) the user sells an item not actually owned, (ii) the user sells a counterfeit or non-original item (e.g. clothing, modified consoles, etc.), (ii) the contents inserted by the user are contrary to the rules of public order or morality (e.g. contents that incite hatred, are insulting or capable of endangering the life or health of people), etc..
The details of this procedure, as well as the number and details of complaints received by Mithos Motor Market, can be requested from the service In any case, a specific communication will be sent, also through the tools provided by the platform, relating to the measure adopted and the customer will have the right to present clarifications or observations through the procedure indicated above.
Mithos Motor Market reserves the right to classify the advertisements in one of the product categories provided for within its internet platform, even in violation of the customer's requests, subsequently offering communication even only by email. Any change to the classification made by Mithos Motor Market in the case of Paid Services will not give the customer the right to withdraw from the Service or to request a refund.
Mithos Motor Market also reserves the right to indicate to its users when the ads are the subject of spontaneous reporting by users and/or judicial authorities who complain of violation of the rules and/or the Conditions of Service and/or the reference legislation. It is understood that the aforementioned reporting is optional and does not intend to replace the judgment of the customer who consults the ads, nor does it guarantee the goodness or otherwise of the same. Any assessment regarding the possible integration of an illicit fact by the reported ad/advertiser is left to the competent authority.
Mithos Motor Market has implemented an anti-spam system together with the ad response form , which rejects contact requests through the form in the event of violation of the applicable rules, regulations and/or these conditions (such as, for example, the presence of insults, racist epithets, spam or phishing activities, etc.). If the customer indicates links or email addresses in the text box of the form , the anti-spam system, in the case of ads not originating from Paid Services, will obscure the aforementioned elements, giving notice to the recipient. In any case, the anti-spam system does not guarantee the authenticity of the product/service for sale nor the truthfulness of the content of the contact. cannot therefore in any case be considered a party to or responsible for the exchange of communications between users and the negotiations arising from them. Likewise, has implemented a so-called “anti-fraud” system, designed to automatically identify behaviors implemented by potential users who adopt behaviors that are not in line with the publication rules or with these conditions of service, blocking the Service provided to them.
Mithos Motor Market cannot be held liable for damages resulting from the failure to provide the Service covered by this Contract due to the incorrect or failed functioning of electronic means of communication for reasons beyond its foreseeable control or for interruptions of services for maintenance work on the platform: by way of example, but not limited to, the malfunctioning of servers and other electronic devices, even if not an integral part of the Internet network, malfunctioning of installed software, computer viruses, actions of hackers or other users with access to the network.
Mithos Motor Market reserves the right not to publish advertisements that are contrary to the editorial policy, to proceed at any time to their cancellation and, in the most serious cases, to the obscuring of the advertisements, as well as to the suspension of the service or its interruption also through the withdrawal by Mithos Motor Market from this Contract and without any compensation being due for such withdrawal, with the right of to request compensation for any damages. In such cases, in the case of a commercial user, pursuant to art. 4 of Regulation (EU) no. 1150/2019, a specific communication will be made regarding the suspension of the advertisement with which the reasons for the measure will be indicated. Any complaints may be submitted through the internal dispute resolution mechanism, and according to the methods indicated therein, described on the website. In the event of termination of services, and outside of the cases in which the termination derives from the fulfillment by of a regulatory or legal obligation or from the repeated violation by the user of the terms and conditions established by this Contract, notice of the withdrawal from the services will be provided with at least 30 (thirty) days' notice, indicating the reasons for the same. In other cases, the suspension of the service or the withdrawal will be communicated without undue delay.
It is expressly understood that, with reference to the Paid Services that require registration in the Reserved Area, the Service can no longer be used if the customer spontaneously cancels his Reserved Area. The customer will have no claim against for failure to use the same.
8. Serial publication of advertisements and/or on behalf of third parties
It is expressly forbidden, unless explicitly authorized by Mithos Motor Market:
- the use of automatic ad loading systems, except those expressly authorized by Mithos Motor Market.; - the serial publication and/or management of ads on behalf of third parties by any means or method; - reselling
Mithos Motor Market services to third parties (including, by way of example, the Vendilo Subito options, Impresa + products, etc.).
Upon reaching predetermined thresholds for inserting advertisements for the Service, the user will not be able to insert further advertisements and will be notified via a communication from Mithos Motor Market.
The following are the publication thresholds for advertisements relating to the non-paid service:
9. Limitations on the content of publications and information related to the user's profile
The user undertakes not to falsify his/her identity and to comply with all applicable laws as well as the Mithos Motor Market Rules , which for this purpose the user accepts and acknowledges having to view before inserting any advert or contacting another user via the reply form or the Messages function.
By way of example, with regard to animal advertisements, for the specific case of purebred animals whose marketing is permitted, pursuant to art. 5 of Legislative Decree 30 December 1992, no. 529, the owner/holder who published the advertisement is required to indicate in the same the genealogical certificate issued by the relevant association.
Furthermore, pursuant to art. 11 of Legislative Decree no. 135/2022 the owner/holder of an animal whose marketing is permitted is required to indicate in the advertisement the identifier required by the legislation in force and to have the veterinary medical certification attesting to the animal's health conditions.
The owner/holder of the animal, therefore, by publishing the announcement on the platform of Mithos Motor Market accepts and declares to be in possession of the genealogical certificate of the purebred animals and in any case of the identification and veterinary medical certification of the animals subject to the related published announcements, releasing from any and all liability in this regard.
When the user is online and available to contact other users, this information is made accessible via a green dot, which can be viewed next to the user's profile and ad details. The user can, at any time, decide to change this setting and choose to appear offline. When the user is offline and unavailable to contact other users, the time elapsed since the last connection and/or online viewing is quantified, in an indicative manner, and this information is made available next to the user's profile and ad details.
The user also undertakes not to use the Service for the publication, transmission, exchange of material that is illicit, vulgar, obscene, slanderous, defamatory, offensive to current morality, or, in any case, harmful to the rights of others or messages inciting hatred and racial or religious discrimination. Furthermore, the user undertakes not to use the Service in such a way as to violate the intellectual or industrial property rights of Mithos Motor Market or third parties.
You acknowledge and agree that the Service will require, for review and security purposes, the completion of a specific identification procedure before proceeding with the publication of advertisements or to access the Service and/or continue to use the same.
In this regard, the user acknowledges and accepts that each advert inserted will necessarily clearly report some of the information above, and in particular the number of online adverts belonging to the advertiser and an estimate of the time of use/frequency of the same of the Service. Said information must be considered the result of approximate automatic calculations and must not interfere/prejudice/influence any negotiations arising from the use of the Service for which Mithos Motor Market remains extraneous.
10. Further publications
The user acknowledges and accepts the possibility offered by Mithos Motor Market to publish the ads also on other websites or on off-line newspapers belonging to Mithos Motor Market, in any case, belonging to third parties interested in promoting and/or publishing the user's ads. The user also consents to the use of the content of the ad (photo, text, etc.) by Mithos Motor Market for the purpose of publishing it on third-party websites, online or paper magazines or other media, also undertaking to hold harmless and indemnify Mithos Motor Market from any liability and/or request in this regard.
Mithos Motor Market prohibits the use by software/applications/cd. aggregator sites and/or third parties, not expressly and previously authorized, of any content related to the Service. Any violation of the aforementioned prohibition may be prosecuted according to the law.
11. User rating
Each user, at the end of a transaction concluded through the ad publication service or in the event of autonomous cancellation of their ad following a sale achieved through the platform made available by Mithos Motor Market, can review another user and leave their own comment. The evaluation of the user is aimed at expressing an opinion on the ways in which the transaction took place and to report the positive or negative outcome of the same.
In light of the above, it is not possible to leave a rating for users with whom the user has not concluded any transactions.
The user who buys is free to recommend or not the user who advertises after each transaction and vice versa. The evaluation will be published only when both parties have concluded their evaluation or, alternatively, after a period of 14 days from the first notification of the user's evaluation request.
User ratings are published within a maximum of 15 days of the transaction being concluded.
The number and average of ratings as well as any comments left by users will be published in chronological order and displayed next to the user's profile and respective adverts.
In correspondence with the user profile, the number of sales completed through the platform will also be visible through a specific counter designed to show the number of transactions concluded through the site.
If a user deletes their account, the name of that user will no longer be visible in the ratings, but an indication will appear that the rating is from a deleted user. Any comments from that user will be permanently removed and will therefore no longer be available.
Mithos Motor Market may control or moderate clearly offensive content relating to the evaluations before their publication. The user remains in any case responsible for the content inserted and published and has the obligation to comply with these Terms of Service as well as respect for netiquette.
Mithos Motor Market may, in any case, intervene on the basis of reports made by users and remove offensive, illicit and untrue content. Likewise, Mithos Motor Market has the right to intervene on reviews and content deemed, at the sole discretion of the latter, not pertinent to the transaction that occurred or discordant with what actually emerged and/or reported.
Any compensation in exchange for appreciation and/or positive evaluations in favor of other users is expressly prohibited.
12. Subito's legal obligations following the European regulation DAC7
Following the introduction of the European Regulation DAC 7 in 2023, all online platforms including Subito are obliged to communicate to local tax authorities information regarding the sales and earnings of users who, using the ad publishing service, exceed the threshold of 29 transactions or an earning of €2,000 in the calendar year.
Only if these thresholds are exceeded, Subito will ask the user via email to provide tax information and confirm personal details by filling out the DAC7 form.
If the user does not complete the DAC7 form, Mithos Motor Market may limit his/her activity on the platform, for example by suspending the possibility of making transactions or temporarily deactivating the account.
13. Complaints. Procedure for users.
Where a user deems certain content published in the classifieds section to be unlawful, the user may use the reporting procedure made available by the platform, through which the content considered unlawful may be reported directly to Mithos Motor Market.
The user must justify the report with sufficient precision and adequacy and, in particular, provide the elements requested by Mithos Motor Market during the reporting process, declaring also that this action is carried out in good faith. If the report contains the user's electronic contact details, Mithos Motor Market will send the relevant confirmation of receipt. The identity of the reporting user will be disclosed only in cases of absolute necessity. It is understood that other anonymous reporting channels are permitted only in the cases provided for by current legislation. Mithos Motor Market will proceed to verify the report, deciding on it promptly and impartially. Following this verification , Mithos Motor Market will inform the reported user as well as the reporting user about (i) its decision and (ii) the means available to make a possible appeal against it, it being understood that this right may be exercised within and no later than 6 (six) months from notification of the decision by Mithos Motor Market.
14. Listing Consultation. Advertisements. Dynamic Pricing.
Following a specific search by the User, the platform - once it has identified the adverts relevant to the same - organises them by ordering them according to the following criteria:
- by relevance: when you search in a specific category (except for the Real Estate and Motors categories), the most relevant ads are shown by default. This relevance is attributed to the ads by Subito's algorithm which mainly relates the searched words to the text of the ad contained in the title and description;
- by date of publication of the ad: this type of sorting, when selected, shows the results in order of publication date of the ad from the most recent to the least recent; - by ascending or descending price: you can choose to display the results with a sorting by price, alternatively from the highest price (descending) or from the lowest price (ascending).
Advertisements are displayed to the user based on one or more of the following criteria:
- search criteria used by the user; - previous activities carried out on the Mithos Motor Market platform
- preferences relating to the sharing of their data or personalized advertising.
Finally, it is understood that, with specific reference to the so-called "Visibility Options" offered by Mithos Motor Market to its non-professional users, certain list prices shown on the platform are automated and therefore may vary from time to time based on specific characteristics of the advertisement.
15. Jurisdiction, applicable law and competent court
The relationship between Mithos Motor Market and the users is governed by Italian law and jurisdiction, according to which these General Conditions must also be interpreted. Except as provided by non-derogable laws, the Court of Milan will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute regarding these General Conditions and the relationships governed by them.
16. Validity of these General Conditions
These General Conditions of Service will be considered applicable, where compatible, even in the case of further, different and specific agreements relating to paid services (and in particular with reference to the "Premium", "Pro" and "Promote" services). Mithos Motor Market may unilaterally make changes to these General Conditions at any time by giving notice on its web platform.
17. Changes
These conditions may be subject to change. In the event of substantial changes, Mithos Motor Market will notify the user by publishing them with maximum visibility on its pages or via email or other means of communication.
What you can't do on Mithos Motor Market
On Mithos Motor Market it is not possible:
On Mithos Motor Market it is not permitted to sell goods or services that fall into one of the following categories:
What to do in case of scam
At Mithos Motor Market we are committed to creating a safe platform, but unfortunately it can happen that some scammers insinuate themselves among our users. It is important to know what to do in case you come across a scam situation. In this article we will provide you with complete information on how to deal with a potential scam on Mithos Motor Market.
What to do if you suspect you've been a victim of a scam
If you suspect you've been the victim of a Subito scam, here's what you can do:
1. If you have any doubts about the negotiation you are conducting with the user or, at a more advanced stage, about the transaction, stop and interrupt any action.
2. Report the ad or user using the reporting options provided (in listing or in chat) to inform the Subito team of the situation. This way, we can take action and investigate.
3. Collect as much information as possible by saving all the data of the suspicious ad or user, including screenshots and communications.
The most important data for us are the ad ID, user ID and/or email
4. Contact us explaining what happened and providing us with all the data collected.
We then recommend that you also contact the Police to file a complaint (either online or at the nearest office ).
Provide them with all the information and evidence you have gathered so that you can help them launch an investigation.
The safety of our users is a priority for Mithos Motor Market. By following these guidelines and acting promptly when we suspect a scam, we can work together to keep our community safe.