
Winter Race 13/03/25

Cortina D'ampezzo (ITA)

Winter Race 13/03/25

Registrations open on September 1, 2024 and close upon reaching 70 crews including ICON cars by November 30, 2024.
Sporting aspect
The WINTERACE 2025 will be held in 2 stages on Friday, March 14 and Saturday, March 15; each stage is divided into 2 Itineraries, for a total of 4 itineraries overall, each Itinerary is defined by 2 “Transit Visas”, one for departure and one for arrival, the intermediate “Transit Visa” will establish the closure of the 1st Itinerary and at the same time the opening of the 2nd Itinerary of the stage.

The stage departure will always take place from Cortina at 09.00 according to the Starting Order established pursuant to art. 14.7 of the 2025 ASI Car Events Regulations.

For the start of the stage, participants must present themselves in numerical order based on the Departure Order, from the opening time of the “Transit Visa” and will depart from 09.00.

Each start of the Itinerary is considered a new departure, a restart and therefore will have the same order.

Participants must present themselves at the “Transit Visa” points within the scheduled opening and closing time intervals included in the Distances and Times Table delivered to you and included in the Roadbook.

In the event of participants being late with respect to these opening and closing times, the penalties set out in the 2025 ASI Car Events Regulations for the lack of a Stamp (500 points) will be applied.

The rankings will be compiled taking into account exclusively the times recorded in the tests multiplied by the ASI coefficients and the sum of any penalties obtained based on the ASI 2025 car events Regulations.

To be included in the rankings it is essential to deliver the Time Card to the “Visto Transitare” at the end of the stage as required by art. 14.15.1 of the ASI 2025 car events Regulations.

Within the sectors delimited by the visa transitare there may be precision time trials (PC).

Precision time trials (PC) are recorded to the hundredth of a second (1/100) and the time is recorded when the front wheel of the car passes over the pressure switch (or photocell in the case of rough terrain or winter races).

The readings of the PC, pressure switches or photocells will be positioned perpendicular to the road surface and appropriately indicated by signs and may be definitive single or multiple.

In the case of single tests, the entry time (opening) will be recorded with a pressure switch or photocell and the exit time (closing) of the precision test will be recorded with a pressure switch or photocell. In multiple tests, also called “linked”, the exit transit time is simultaneously valid as the exit time of the current test and the entry time for the next test (coinciding closing and opening).

In precision timed tests (PC), 1 penalty is attributed for every hundredth of a second of advance or delay with respect to the imposed time. There is a maximum penalty ceiling for delay for each PC equal to 300 penalties.

In certain locations, transit checks (CT) may be provided; at these checks the competitor must simply stop and have a transit visa (stamp) affixed to the timetable. Failure to affix a single transit visa will result in exclusion from the race.

Each crew, during the check, will be given the “Road Book” which will be used to follow the race route through a conventional symbology and the various transit visas (VI), timed tests (PC) and any stamp checks (CT) are described.

The following will be carried out:
n° 60 precision timed tests (PC) with pressure switch and a transverse line on the ground that connects the two detection devices, normally the measurements will be carried out by means of a pressure switch, if for reasons depending on the snowy road surface this is not possible, photocells will be positioned, limited to the group of PCs involved;

For the purposes of the classifications, the cars will be grouped as follows:

A Ancetres (Ancestor): built up to 31/12/1904
B Veteran (Veteran): built up to 31/12/1918
C Vintage: built up to 31/12/1930
D Post Vintage: built up to 31/12/1945
E Classic: built from 01/01/1946 to 31/12/1960
F Post Classic: built from 01/01/1961 to 31/12/1970
G Modern: built from 01/01/1971 and produced for 20 years

Eligible Cars
Participation in the WinteRace 2025 is reserved for cars built by 31 December 1999. The admissibility of the cars is with its own autonomous and final decision of the Organizing Committee. A maximum of 70 cars will be admitted, including ICONs; in the event that a higher number of applications are received, the Organizing Committee will proceed with a selection based on the following criteria:

• year of construction of the car (of the first example produced);
• rarity of the car model;
• particular aesthetic value or technical interest of the car.

Starting order and intervals
The numbers for the participants are assigned in ascending order taking into account the classification periods of the cars previously listed.

The starting orders of the 1st and 2nd legs are compiled in ascending order following these principles.

In the starting orders the interval between the cars, within each Group will be 1' (one minute).

Pre-race checks
The pre-race checks can take place upon reservation by the competitors, during the times set out in the Specific Race Regulations, on Thursday 13 March 2025 from 13:30 to 17:30.

To facilitate the performance, reducing the waiting times for the pre-race documentation check, all competitors are asked to kindly send, together with the registration, a copy of the following mandatory documents:

1 Driving licence;
2 A.S.I. membership card for the driver only.;
3 Identity certificate and/or CRS and/or F.I.V.A. of the vehicle

The following rankings will be drawn up taking into account the methods of assigning improvement coefficients based on the A.S.I. regulation, which is understood to be fully implemented here.

• PC rankings
The PC rankings will be compiled to the hundredth of a second, with the assignment of one penalty point for each hundredth of a second of advance or delay.

At the end of the 1st Stage, any competitor who has stopped for any problem or has arrived at a V.T. with a delay greater than the maximum expected time, may be asked to be readmitted after applying a penalty provided for by the regulation.

Improvement coefficients
For all competitors, the following improvement coefficient will be applied exclusively for the calculation of penalties in the PC, based on the vehicle used.
The coefficient is calculated by applying the following formula to the year of production of the car indicated on the official documents of the car itself: 1+year of production/100. The final sum of all penalties obtained by each competitor is multiplied by the assigned coefficient.
(Ex.: production year 1929 Coeff.: 1+29/100=1.29 Penalty hypothesis: 500 points Score: 500×1.29=645)
(Ex.: production year 1961 Coeff.: 1+61/100=1.61 Penalty hypothesis: 500 points Score: 500×1.61=805)

Provisional Classification
The provisional classification published at the end of the first Leg must be considered definitive half an hour after its display and in the elements that were used for its compilation.

Combined Rankings
At the end of the race, adding all the penalties incurred in the PC with any penalties incurred in the Transit Visas, the following absolute rankings will be compiled:
a) general;
b) grouping;
c) special:
– for female crews (both members);
– for foreign crews (both members).
d) under 40
e) under 30

The event will be endowed with the following honorary prizes:

• for the first 10 classified crews in the general ranking;
• for the first classified female crew;
• for the first classified under 40 crew
• for the first 5 classified foreign crews.

The crew that obtains the best result will receive a prestigious prize.

Documentation for cars and crews
To be admitted to the event, the cars, in addition to the normal RC Auto insurance, must be in possession of one of the following valid documents:

• A.S.I. identity certificate and/or C.R.S.
• F.I.V.A. identity card

In any case, participation of vehicles without the above-mentioned sporting documents is permitted; in this case, the penalties acquired during the race will be multiplied by a coefficient of 3.00.

Vehicles with foreign registration entered by foreign crews and without the above-mentioned documents may be admitted with a declaration of conformity to the sporting rules issued by the Participants themselves to the Organisers and countersigned by them.

Sporting Checks
The driver of the crew must present himself at the sporting checks showing the following mandatory documents:
• Valid driving licence
• A.S.I. Membership Card mandatory only for the driver
• Valid car insurance policy

The navigators may also be minors, not less than 14 years of age.

For more information, sports and regulations in general, you can consult the website www.asifed.it

Registration conditions
In case of cancellation of the crew of new registrations communicated by January 20, 2025, a penalty equal to 50% of the amount paid will be applied; after this date no refund will be recognized.
